Creating the Mood
Creating the right environment for your bubble bath fun is going to be vital. While you are going to have to be in the bathroom that is not to say that you can not transform your bathroom into a magical place for her for just one night. Consider making use of the following items:
Candles (Place them along the tub, on the sink, and or in other safe areas around the room)
Roses/Flower Petals (Resting in vases around the room and or in the bath water with the bubbles)
Music (Choose her favorite romantic music for the evening)
Champagne Wine (Use your best crystal champagne flute to offer her a glass of bubbly)
High Quality Bubble Bath (The event is a bubble bath after all, so make sure you are using the best bubbles you can find in a scent that she loves)
This will create a wonderfully sexy environment for your bath time activity. For best results, have the room completely transformed into this small paradise when she walks in. The bath and everything should be prepared so when she walks in it is only a matter of slipping into the tub.
Beginning the Bath
Once the mood has been set it is time to bring your lover into the bathroom for her bath. If you want to make an impression, take a few minutes to kiss her and tell her your feelings of her. While doing this you can undress her and lead her into the bathroom for her relaxing soak in the tub. Get her initial reaction before saying anything. Lead her to the tub and help her to step into the tub before doing anything yourself. You might find that in the beginning you'd rather stay outside the tub so that you can wash her or that you'd rather let her enjoy the tub while you remain on dryer land.
Bath Time Enhancements
If you're looking to have some fun while your lover enjoys her bath you could easily add some enhancements that will be sure to please her. She will love the thoughtfulness of the gesture because she will not only enjoy the pleasure you give her with these enhancements, she will also be able to use them herself whenever the mood strikes her. You also might want to consider a nice piece of lingerie for when the bath time excitement is over. Something nice to slip into will make her feel sexy and will give you the enjoyment of having something to remove later.
Be creative, have fun, and most of all, make her feel special. Good Luck.
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