Tuesday, December 15, 2009

25 Days of Romance - Day 13

Simple Romantic Ideas - Part 1

1. Bury a time capsule together with trinkets and love letters to each other. Draw a map with an X marking the spot. Store the map in your safety deposit box or in another safe place. Dig it up in 10 or 20 years.

2. Create a music disk of love songs, fun songs or songs that remind you of each other.

3. Plant a post-it note or two in a book your love is reading. Write "I love you," I want you," or "XOXOXO."

4. Go to a photo booth at the mall together. Fool around while having your photo taken. Keep the photos in your car or at work for when you need a fun pick-me-up.

5. Plant a tree together and talk about how you will carve your names in it with a heart in 20 years.

6. Go to a coffee shop - just to sit together and talk. Or get coffee to go - go for a long scenic drive together.

7. Be naughty, play hooky together. Do whatever you want together. (Find some fun items here)

8. Send your love at letter at work. Disguise it in a business envelope. Make it happy for a pick me up, loving for romance and naughty if you're planning a date that evening.

9. Heart shaped notes - use one at a time or 20 at a time. Plant little messages throughout the house or garage to add a thrill.

10. Pick up some dipping chocolate and strawberries or cherries at your local grocery store. This makes an incredibly romantic dessert for two.
See Part Two tomorrow ...............

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